The human brain, an intricate organ, is hardwired for survival. It’s the command center for the nervous system, receiving signals from the body’s sensory organs and outputting information to the ...
The actor impresses in a dialled-down performance but can’t rescue this unconvincing film about a woman whose husband has a ...
Eating right, exercising, playing sports, reading and journaling are just a few of the ways you can keep your brain in top ...
A Riverside County mother is hoping to get some help from the public after her 10-year-old son has been diagnosed with a rare ...
Glioblastoma is the most common form of brain cancer, and unfortunately it’s also the most aggressive. Treatment involves a ...
Glioblastoma is an often fatal form of brain cancer, with only 5% of patients surviving beyond five years. The cancer is ...
You have more control over your happiness than it might seem. While you can't control everything that happens to you, you can ...
Caitlyn Sprinkle, 27 years old, describes her TikTok feed as a mix of economic gloom and consumerism gone wild. There are ...
Toxic leukoencephalopathy has been seen with heroin inhalation, but this is the first reported fentanyl case. Inhaling the ...
"Spock's Brain" is widely regarded as one of the worst episodes of "Star Trek," but despite that, it still has a passionate ...
A new study by a global team of researchers, led by Sook-Lei Liew, Ph.D., of USC's Mark and Mary Stevens Neuroimaging and ...