So when you start to lose strands, it’s normal to wonder how to make your hair grow faster. While there is no magic pill for ...
On this day, my snorts and jerks were so out of control that I rear-ended a car. That’s when I finally visited a neurologist.
When someone chooses a beauty product or treatment, their worst fear may be that the treatment won't work or won't look the ...
Despite her illness, Scarlett's dream of meeting Taylor Swift came true when the singer arranged for her to be brought to the front stage during a concert, where she received the prized 22 hat.
A woman has shared how her sister blew up at her because she got highlights in her hair just three weeks before her wedding ...
Hair loss is a slow burn, and you might not realize your hair is thinning until a small bald patch begins to appear on your ...
A report in The New England Journal of Medicine highlighted a case of a 26-year-old woman who suffered kidney damage after ...
One ELLE editor tried Hello Klean and Act+Acre, and consulted a trichologist and dermatologist, to find out if a shower ...
Step into the vibrant world of NativeChild, where every strand tells a story of resilience, empowerment, and natural beauty.
Incorporate scalp cosmeceuticals and hair shaft treatments: To treat dull and damaged hair, which is common these days, it is ...
In New Mexico, three women contracted HIV after getting a vampire facial at a local salon. But what exactly is a vampire ...
The Cottrell family spans three generations of Black hair care and is responsible for bringing jheri curls, relaxers, and ...