The North Carolina's Woman's Right to Know Act of 2011 made informed consent and a mandatory 24-hour waiting period for ...
Roe ensured access to abortion across the country for nearly 50 years. The Supreme Court’s reversal of that decision ignited ...
Florida and North Carolina have eluded Democrats for years. But they think abortion rights might change their fortune ...
The abortion rights group Planned Parenthood announced Thursday that it plans to spend $10 million on North Carolina's ...
A patient prepares to take the first of two pills for a medication abortion during a visit to a clinic in Kansas City, Kan.
May 1 (Reuters) - A federal judge has struck down parts of a North Carolina law restricting patients' access to the abortion pill mifepristone, which has become the subject of legal battles ...
A judge ruled Tuesday that some of North Carolina’s restrictions on the distribution of abortion pills are unlawful, citing arguments over the drug mifepristone that bypassed federal regulators.
Since Florida enacted a six-week abortion ban, clinics in several other Southern and mid-Atlantic states have sprung into ...