May 4 is National Star Wars Day. It’s about as official as an unofficial holiday can be. Once just a silly little pun, the ...
Clone Wars (2003-2005) shattered that mold and set the pattern for all of the future television storytelling that would bear ...
To celebrate Star Wars Day, Dr Alex Baker, a chemist at the University of Warwick, explains how the fictional weapons would ...
Here’s a comprehensive timeline of the “Star Wars” canon so you can follow all of the franchise’s time-jumps without getting ...
From the original trilogy to the new TV series and everything in between, here’s the definitive ranking of the most iconic ...
Star Wars fiction is a genre unto itself, and these are the essential Star Wars must-reads across both Legends canon and New ...
‘Therefore, most of the works carried out at the house were ... then returned to his Star Wars role as Obi-Wan Kenobi in a ...
George Lucas wants them to fade into oblivion. But some fans spent more than a decade digitally restoring the original “Star ...
There are those who saw Star Wars Episode I in theaters and those who watched The Phantom Menace after seeing the animated shows.
The entire Star Wars franchise is currently available to stream on Disney+. A basic, ad-supported subscription to the ...
My Hero Academia is widely regarded as one of the best anime series around, with the seventh season set to begin in May.