Auto-brewery syndrome (ABS) is a rare metabolic condition in which the stomach essentially turns carbs into booze.
Exploring the mysterious auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), where the body produces alcohol internally, posing unique diagnostic ...
Auto Brewery Syndrome is a complex and often misunderstood condition that requires careful diagnosis and management ...
The rare metabolic condition was first described in 1952 and is believed to only affect a small number of people ...
Auto-brewery syndrome – or gut fermentation syndrome – is also known as ‘drunkenness disease’, which makes people feel drunk ...
The earliest documented cases of auto-brewery syndrome trace back to Japan in the 1950s, where it was initially observed.
A Belgian man who was recently charged with drunk-driving has been acquitted. This is because he suffers from a rare disorder ...
A drunk driving case against a 40-year-old man was dismissed after his lawyer explained that he suffers from auto-brewery ...
The case of the Belgian man with Auto-Brewery Syndrome underscores the importance of understanding this rare disease ...
A 40-year-old man was acquitted of a drunken driving offense after doctors confirmed he had a rare condition: auto-brewery ...
Auto-brewery syndrome happens when the body turns any kind of sugary foods or carbohydrates into alcohol. It is mainly caused ...