"WASP-43b is a reminder of the vast range of climates that are possible on exoplanets and the many ways in which Earth is ...
The beautiful infrared imagery features one of the best known locations in space to study the evolution of stars and ...
A fussy gyroscope won't keep the Hubble Space Telescope down. NASA brought the iconic observatory back online after fixing ...
Submillimeter wavelength radio observations of the Southern Ring Nebula have identified that it's actually a double ring, ...
The James Webb Space Telescope’s latest dispatch blinks in astonishing images from an area known as the Orion B molecular ...
The new observations show the top of the "horse's mane," revealing for the first time the small scale structures on the edge ...
The Webb telescope provided the forecast for WASP-43 b, a "hot Jupiter" type exoplanet about 280 light-years from Earth in the constellation Sextans.
The weather forecast on exoplanet WASP-43 b: clear during the day, cloudy at night, with winds topping 8,000 kilometres per ...
The Horsehead Nebula is fairly close to Earth, as these things go, about 1,300 light-years. So, it is within our galaxy. In ...
To return to past, one might need a Time Machine, and that as of now, is the subject of science fiction. But scientists have ...
While NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope keeps surprising us with its 122-megapixel cosmic portraits, another groundbreaking ...
[Related: JWST images show off the swirling arms of 19 spiral galaxies.] Some of those temperatures are blazing enough to ...