Hamill said that he asked Biden if he could call him "Joe-bi Wan Kenobi" during a visit to the Oval Office on Friday.
President Joe Biden has called Japan and India “xenophobic” countries that do not welcome immigrants, lumping the two with ...
Late night hosts have excoriated presidents for decades, but Joe Biden has largely escaped their rapier wit. What gives?
Former vice president and environmentalist Albert Gore Jr. received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Joe ...
Actor Mark Hamill joined the White House press briefing and shared details of his meeting with President Biden.
The president’s visit comes days after a gunman killed four law enforcement officers and injured others during a warrant ...
Donald Trump told Republican donors at his Florida resort this weekend that President Joe Biden is running what Trump says is ...
Mitch Landrieu, the national co-chair of President Biden’s reelection campaign, told CNN on Sunday that Sen. Bernie Sanders ...