Michael Cohen told jurors key details about the awareness and involvement of Donald Trump in hush money payments to a porn star and Playboy model.
The Biden administration said it will increase tariffs on some $18 billion of imports from China to counter what the White ...
CNN's big interview with Joe Biden had questions but no fact-checker. So, when the president lied, they didn't say a thing.
Lawmakers will vote on a slew of police-related legislation over the coming days, including bills to increase protections for ...
President Biden nominates Judge Embry J. Kidd for the US Court of Appeals' Eleventh Circuit. Diversity and experience ...
In all, three states are hosting statewide primary elections on Tuesday — Maryland, Nebraska, and West Virginia — as ...
Left-wing filmmaker defended anti-Semitic campus protesters and put President Joe Bien on notice about support for Israel.
The U.S. has quadrupled tariffs on Chinese-made electric vehicles amid ongoing competition over industry subsidies.
Congressman Cory Mills, who represents part of Volusia County, has filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden.
US President Joe Biden will keep tariffs put in place by his Republican predecessor Donald Trump while ratcheting up others, ...
It's uncertain what the long-term impact on prices could be if the tariffs contribute to a wider trade dispute.