CLEVELAND, Ohio (WJW) — If you are adding new flowers or shrubs to your yard this Spring, you want to make sure you are ...
That's right: much like getting your hair trimmed to ensure it grows longer and thicker than ever, pruning is an essential ...
Q:  Japanese beetles have been ravaging my yard. I heard Milky Spore can be a natural way to treat them. Is that right? A: ...
Why are the cicadas so loud? Are they dangerous? Cicadas may be annoying, but they don't have to be confusing. We're ...
Hollies aren't susceptible to the blight. (Lucinda Larnach) “Get out there and walk through that landscape; dig through the ...
You won't want to miss this one! Only 5 minutes from Hamilton on a well-maintained county road, sits a single level ranch style home on 5 flood irrigated acres. Nice ...
Four counties in the Greater Cincinnati region and two in the Dayton area are under a quarantine to prevent the spread of an ...
Native from Florida and Mexico to Central America, it's loved by pollinators and has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and ...
“Like I said, they are harmless for the most part other than some flagging they can cause on some trees or shrubs. So other ...
Part-shade plants generally need two to four hours of direct sunlight, preferably from east-facing or other locations where ...
"Another control tactic is wrapping burlap around the trunks of trees where spongy moth larvae can hide during the day. The ...