Biden administration officials often say they believe in competition and hate monopolies. It’s a message that comes from the ...
Like most of my colleagues, I view this year’s state legislative session as an important opportunity to advocate for ...
Despite an advancing bill, the odds against single-payer health insurance becoming law in California are long. The state ...
I agree with a recent letter regarding health care spending. This country needs a single-payer insurance like most other countries. Not socialized medicine, but socialized insurance, every citizen ...
Most Californians say they want single-payer care, but in the Legislature the health care industry has been unstoppable.
Supporters say pushing yearly in Sacramento, even if unsuccessful, is vital to keep leaders from ducking the issue.
The NHS is an example of a single-payer system, funded by taxation. Other countries, such as France and Japan, provide ...
Given this reality, why are we ignoring the obvious solution; namely, a nonprofit health care safety-net, system that is privately delivered and publicly provided through a single payer?
The states' proposals, which resemble Medicare for All, need approval from the federal government and face pushback from major health systems and insurers.