According to an emailed statement obtained by the Associated Press, Target is reducing its in-store availability of ...
California has a budget deficit of $27.6 billion, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Friday — a gap so wide that he’s proposing ...
A pro-Israel group put up a controversial billboard on Friday morning outside UC Berkeley's law school graduation.
A severe solar storm could make the ethereal Northern Lights visible across a majority of the United States –  and it's quite ...
As far as the Golden State, it did not rank among the best. In fact, California and New Mexico were the lowest-ranking states ...
Articles and videos about Oakland airport fires back at San Francisco, filing counterclaim over name change on KTVU FOX 2.
OAKLAND, Calif. - The Oakland Zoo on Thursday asked for the public to vote on a name for a new male giraffe that recently ...
The billboard, commissioned by Accuracy in Media, publicly identified eight UC Berkeley law students who President Adam Guillette said signed a proclamation banning any speakers that support the state ...
Get ready for the return of FOX LOCAL Zip Trips! To gear up, KTVU has recapped some of the most unforgettable moments from past seasons. Buckle up as we take a journey down memory lane.
Kia and Hyundai vehicles were the most stolen cars in 2023, according to a new report shared Thursday by the National ...
BART issued a warning Friday morning  saying there was no Red or Orange line train service between Richmond and MacArthur ...
SAN JOSE, Calif. - As people enjoy the warm weather, Cal Fire says people should also take safety precautions in the heat. "I ...