I find the images from the protests in front of the Berlin campus, inspired by its US predecessors and organized over social ...
Vietnam War movement was a movement peacefully advocating for peace, while the current student protests across US campuses ...
These days, at American universities, different Islamic lobbies with a hint of communism are deceiving emotional, adventurous, and uninformed students to stage a meaningless and vulgar display against ...
“Jews, go back to Poland!” A Jewish student on television recounts the experience of taking final exams while hearing the ...
But that is not what the Columbia thugs chanting “Go back to Poland” mean. They don’t mean a café in the Glowny Rynek in ...
Growing up in a Jewish home, I was familiar with Passover traditions: cleaning out the chametz (leaven, which is prohibited ...
The way I see it, Columbia has been struggling to balance three ideals: (1) the right of students and faculty to speak and protest freely; (2) the duty to provide an educational environment free of ...
These students “get it.” They understand that this is simply a “moment,” and we are a timeless people. Where chaos reigns, they are connected to the foundations of the universe, and in a world that’s ...
Noah Liben lives in Teaneck, New Jersey with his wife and three children. A former practicing attorney, Noah is active in local politics and has a passion for building bridges among diverse ...
The “Two-State Solution” is like an award-winning ground-breaking psychological horror film. Its sub-standard sequels continue to plague the horrific nightmares of children on both sides of the great ...
My mother taught me how to clean, sew, knit, crochet, embroider, balance a checkbook and follow a recipe. One day, she told me, “Anyone can follow a recipe. The real trick is getting all the food on ...
Against this backdrop, it is all the more unfortunate that the popular imagination has identified neoconservatism so closely ...