The new Bureau of Land Management regulation, which applies to nearly 90,000 wells on federal public land, is hampered by ...
The organizing effort at the private liberal arts campus is part of a broader “societal shift” in favor of labor unions.
Supporters say pushing yearly in Sacramento, even if unsuccessful, is vital to keep leaders from ducking the issue.
South L.A. churches craft dementia-friendly services aimed at providing solace to a community disproportionately affected by ...
Following months of large scale protests against police brutality across the United States in 2020, then-California Attorney ...
The six days after the King verdict were marked by rioting across Los Angeles County: Some people set fires, while others ...
California will pilot a program to reduce climate emissions from buildings without displacing tenants. Facing a deficit, Gov.
An ambitious pilot program provides a myriad of resources to help participants achieve financial independence through stable ...
Despite transparency concerns, the state auditor’s report says two programs focusing on housing and preventing homelessness ...
While major European banks say that they intend to pull back from the financing of fossil fuel production, regional banks in ...
Josh: The way we raise cattle today is a huge carbon and methane problem, and the way we deal with forests, especially in the ...
Dissatisfaction with the president’s climate agenda and cynicism over politics in general may erode millennial and Gen-Z ...