Fournir un véritable emploi de service aux personnes souffrant de handicap mental ou cognitif : c’est la recette gagnant de Café Joyeux, une chaîne fondée en France par Yann Bucaille en 2017 et qui ...
The fifty-something has a relaxed, artistic look – stubble, sideburns, and XXL eyeglasses – as he welcomes us into his high-ceilinged apartment in Chelsea. His comic book collection is showcased in ...
In December 1940, the United States was still a neutral bystander in the conflict between Nazi Germany and its European neighbors. Only Great Britain was continuing to resist. Roosevelt knew that ...
La Grande Jatte created a stir when it made its public début in May 1886 at the eighth and final Impressionist exhibition. It marked a clear departure from Impressionism – a “scientific” versus ...
En décembre 1940, les Etats-Unis sont neutres dans le conflit qui oppose l’Allemagne nazie à tous ses voisins européens : seule la Grande-Bretagne résiste encore. Roosevelt sait que les Américains ...
Ranging from the 1930s up to the 1970s, the documentary A Journey Through French Cinema offers Bertrand Tavernier’s personal vision of French cinema, focusing on the movies, directors and actors who ...
L’histoire franco-américaine est ponctuée de conflits commerciaux et diplomatiques, de la “chicken war” dans les années 1960 aux récentes annonces de Donald Trump sur […] ...