Edwin Black is the author of "IBM and the Holocaust" and "War Against the Weak: Eugenics and America's Campaign to Create a Master Race," from which the following article is drawn. Hitler and his ...
Mr. Wiener, a columnist for the Nation, teaches history at the University of California, Irvine. He is the author of Historians in Trouble: Plagiarism, Fraud and Politics in the Ivory Tower (The ...
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J. Stanley Lemons is Professor of History Emeritus at Rhode Island College. I live in the land of Thomas Dorr, and every speech or lecture that I have ever heard about Dorr and his 1842 Rebellion ...
Gil Troy is Professor of History at McGill University in Montreal. Vincent J. Cannato is Associate Professor of History at the University Massachusetts of Boston. Their book, Living in the ...
Mr. Katz is the author of Black Indians: A Hidden Heritage and forty other books, and has been assocated with NYU for 35 years. His webwsite is: WILLIAMLKATZ.COM. As President Bill Clinton and ...
Mr. Barnhill is an independent historian living in Oklahoma. Am I losing something here? Or is this federal government of ours inept, deceptive, or flat out determined to get a conviction ...
Bruce Chadwick lectures on history and film at Rutgers University in New Jersey. He also teaches writing at New Jersey City University. He holds his PhD from Rutgers and was a former editor for ...
Mr. Meyer is the author of The Amendment that Refused to Die: Equality and Justice Deferred: The History of the Fourteenth Amendment (rev. ed.; Madison Books: 2000). As the civil war was ending ...
Whether it is Dave Letterman, the History Channel, professional historians, pollsters or sports writers, we seem to have a fascination with itemizing the ten best of this, the five worst of that.
As recently as 1984, abortion was not a deeply partisan issue. “The difference in support for the pro-choice position was a mere six percentage points,” Alan Abramowitz, a political scientist ...
Mr. Wittner is Professor of History at the State University of New York/Albany. His latest book is TOWARD NUCLEAR ABOLITION: A HISTORY OF THE WORLD NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT MOVEMENT, 1971 TO THE ...