The Chang’e-6 is set to land on the South Pole-Aitken Basin, which is on the lunar far side and is one of the largest and ...
A research team from Northwestern University used physics and statistical theory to confirm Fritz Heider’s social balance ...
Researchers achieve near-perfect quantum teleportation despite disruptive noise, marking a significant breakthrough in ...
Perovskite, a revolutionary material, promises to surpass silicon efficiency and usher in a new era of affordable, ...
Joshu Dean, 45, was quality auditor at Spirit Aerosystems, a Boeing spin off and fired from the company in April 2023.
For thousands of years, traditional Chinese medicine has used venomous centipedes to treat kidney disease, epilepsy, and many other disorders.
The James Webb Space Telescope will observe planet K2-18b again later this year to look for more signs of alien life.
Indie artist Washed Out collaborates with filmmaker Paul Trillo to release a groundbreaking music video generated entirely by OpenAI's Sora.
Washington wants Russia and China to match declarations by the United States and others that only humans will have control over nukes.
Microneedles are tiny tools used in important medical procedures like stimulating the brain and checking for signs of good health.
Scientists unlock the secret to creating reactive chemical compounds crucial for pharmaceuticals and materials after a century-long challenge.
Hubble Network has achieved a groundbreaking feat by establishing a Bluetooth connection directly to a satellite.