In late April 2023, I read a heartbreaking story a few weeks after Passover. It was on the website PostSecret, where people ...
Part of the reason these mobs have been able to riot illegally is because of the threat of one word: Islamophobia.
In op-eds and news reports worldwide, Jewish and pro-Israel students at USC are being represented as aggressive censors.
On the Seventh Day, brave soldiers sacrificed their lives. On Passover night, God passed over doorposts with blood. On the ...
In the months since Oct. 7, Columbia has at times felt like a battleground as pro-Israel and pro-Palestinian students have ...
This simple addition serves as a poignant reminder of the resilience and strength of the women of Israel, many of whom ...
The frenzy of Jew hatred spreading at Columbia reminds us that great principles are useless unless they're enforced.
After this morning’s aerial defeat of the looming disaster, Israel and the Jewish people’s communication strategy has changed ...
As we sit at our Seder table tonight to celebrate the Exodus of our ancestors from slavery in Egypt, The words “Let My People ...
Rabbi Shlomo Riskin advocates that we treat the Wicked Son with affection and care. “Blunting his teeth” can actually be ...
When you enter the land of Canaan that I give you as a possession, and I inflict an eruptive plague upon a house in the land ...
Before she was elected in 2022, she told the Journal that Israel is “an example of what a young, vibrant democracy looks like ...