Big health insurers that have contracts with state Medicaid programs find themselves making more money even as enrollment in ...
California launched two teletherapy apps as part of the governor’s $500 million foray into health technology with private ...
More than 60 years ago, policymakers in Colorado embraced the idea that early intervention could prevent child abuse and save ...
KFF Health News and California Healthline staff made the rounds on national and local media over the past two weeks to discuss recent stories. Here’s a collection of their appearances.
Researchers in Charleston, South Carolina, are trying to build a DNA database of 100,000 people to better understand how ...
In the 2020 elections, then-candidate Joe Biden and many of his congressional colleagues loudly advocated for a federal “public option” health insurance plan. It was framed, at the time, as part of ...
The staffing regulation was disparaged by the industry as unattainable. Patient advocates say it doesn’t go far enough. Labor ...
The CDC says the first known cases of HIV transmission likely due to cosmetic injections happened at a New Mexico spa during a procedure known as a "vampire facial." Alert for graphic photos.
Some of the nearly 130,000 Montanans who have lost Medicaid coverage as the state reevaluates eligibility are homeless.
Tires emit huge volumes of particles and chemicals as they roll along the highway, and researchers are only beginning to ...
Muscle-building supplements are also subject to the new legislation. Separately, Colorado lawmakers advanced efforts to require state-regulated insurers and Medicaid to cover weight loss drugs for ...
Editorial writers examine organ donation, weight-loss drugs, gender-affirming care, and more.