Relatives of persons who went missing under special circumstances (as a result of hostilities) can apply to the Ministry of ...
This article was written in February 2023 and describes the formation of the system of psychological care for victims of war ...
В окупованій Херсонщині росіяни розстріляли мирних мешканців. До Катару передали список з іменами 561 української дитини, ...
Journalist Anastasia Zhvyk is facing new prosecution in Russian-occupied Sevastopol with the administrative proceedings this ...
As a former police officer, Oleksiy Kyrychenko was an obvious target for the Russians when they invaded and occupied Mykhailivka, a small town in Zaporizhzhia oblast at the beginning of their ...
Сергій Смирнов живе у селищі Загальці на Київщині. Чоловік разом із дружиною завершив споруджувати свій будинок саме перед ...
Про роботу прокурорів і слідчих розповіли в Офісі Генпрокурора. У роковини аварії на Чорнобильській атомній електростанції ...
Nariman Dzhelyal is turning 44 on 27 April, his third birthday in captivity with the 17-year sentence in revenge for his ...
Yanina Akulova, Dmytro Sergieiev and Anton Zhukovsky were all abducted from occupied Melitopol, with their videoed 'confessions' obtained long before Russia even admitted to holding them prisoner ...