Scenes of chaos unfolding on campuses across the country are stoking internal divisions and carry political risk as a major ...
Sam Brown, a veteran and former Army captain, was left permanently scarred from a Taliban bomb in 2008. Can his military ...
Grief and rage over the war and Israel have led to demonstrations across the Arab world. Arrests suggest governments fear the ...
For the tens of thousands of asylum seekers in Britain, a new law brings the possibility of deportation to central Africa ...
The 6,000 residents of Littleton, N.H., had found a way to coexist despite their differences — until a town official’s words ...
International development agencies have been meeting with Middle East business interests and urban planners to map out an ...
The long-serving congressman from Portland, who has become the top marijuana advocate on Capitol Hill, believes the issue ...
Reshaping the drug war in one of Central America’s most lawless corners, the fentanyl boom has devastated the trade in opium ...
Despite an arsenal of drugs, many Americans are still unaware of their infections until it’s too late. A Biden initiative ...
Petrit Halilaj of Kosovo began drawing as a refugee child in the Balkans during a violent decade and invented a calligraphic ...
Russia’s torture of prisoners of war has been well documented by the U.N., with former inmates speaking of relentless ...
Demis Hassabis and Mustafa Suleyman, who both grew up in London, feared a corporate rush to build artificial intelligence.