New research suggests two methods could work together to better contain nuclear plasma. Nuclear fusion energy is a “holy ...
This new propulsion system could rewrite the rules of spaceflight—not to mention completely defy conventional physics.
It was business as usual for the four-man crew of a RussianTu-22M3 Backfire bomber as it released its supersonic Kh-22 ...
While Claude 3’s abilities are impressive, they’re still a reflection of the AI’s (admittedly) remarkable ability to identify ...
The European Space Agency’s Trace Gas Orbiter captured these “spiders” with stunning clarity near a south polar region called ...
Transmedium” UFOs Jeopardize U.S. Security Gallaudet made the case for studying underwater UFOs, or what the government calls ...
Every computer needs Random Access Memory (or RAM) for an operating system’s temporary storage, and there’s many ways to ...
At Popular Mechanics, this is the season we test the latest products for our annual Yard & Garden Awards. We roll up our ...