Dueling groups of protesters clashed overnight at the University of California, Los Angeles, shoving, kicking and beating ...
The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration will move to reclassify marijuana as a less dangerous drug, The Associated Press has learned, a historic shift to generations of American drug policy that ...
The first Wayfinder kiosk has been officially unveiled on the southeastern corner of the Wilshire Blvd and 4th Street intersection and as the foam padding was removed, it instantly attracted a small ...
HAVE I GOT A STORY FOR YOU A true story. A scary story. It happened to me, not long ago. It involves going to the Ron DeMented state of Florida (scared yet?), a German Shepherd the size of a small ...
Open:  Rejuvenation for both Santa Monica residents’ bodies and homes were celebrated this past week as the Santa Monica Chamber of Commerce welcomed one business while embracing another’s rebrand. On ...