While April showers bring May flowers, these months also kick off road construction season — when cracks and potholes that ...
Can an antacid solve ocean acidification? No, but it could still help the climate crisis.
When scuba divers need to say something to each other, they use hand signals. A waterproof “e-glove” and computer algorithm ...
Did you know that the world’s deadliest animal is the tiny mosquito? By taking advantage of the unique biochemistry of ...
Researchers sampled waterways near unsheltered encampments to better assess the spread of COVID-19 in a population ...
While there’s no regulation in the U.S. for what’s in organic shampoos, they tend to contain ingredients perceived as safe or ...
We may be a step closer to harnessing the power of crashing ocean waves for sustainable and renewable power by modifying a ...
After you eat, you probably don’t give your food another thought. But the story of what happens to your food after you swallow it is quite fascinating. The story of digestion actually begins in the ...
Choosing paint for your home brings a lot of options: What kind of paint, what type of finish and what color? Water-based ...