We are Amnesty International UK. We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights.
Our next meeting will be on Thursday 9th May form 8pm - 9.30pm at the Twickenham Club, 7 Church Street, Twickenham,TW1 3NJ Graham Bisset, former AIUK board member and current chair of Sutton Amnesty, ...
In response to the Government detaining people seeking asylum to deport them to Rwanda, Sacha Deshmukh, Amnesty International ...
We are Amnesty International UK. We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights.
We are Amnesty International UK. We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights.
Manahel al-Otaibi was sentenced in a secret hearing and her family have not had access to court documents or evidence ...
Incidents include a January attack in Rafah which killed at least 95 civilians, including 42 children, with evidence of the use of a Boeing-manufactured bomb ‘President Biden must end US complicity ...
The UK is currently acting as an international freeloader in refugee matters, expecting other countries to process people’s asylum claims when it flat out refuses to do so itself.
We are Amnesty International UK. We are ordinary people from across the world standing up for humanity and human rights.
Sutton Coldfield Amnesty International Group have raised more than £300 with their annual quiz night and raffle. Taking place ...