You fight like a girl!” was a phrase often thrown around during Catherine II’s reign with undisguised delight. The empress ...
The old expression “Типун тебе на язык” ("Tipun tebe na yazyk" or literally "I wish you had a pimple on your tongue!") can be ...
How 18th-century medicine helped save besieged Leningrad In those difficult times of war, when there was a shortage of ...
The first collaboration between the U.S. and Soviet filmmakers was the big screen adaptation of the play ‘The Blue Bird’ by ...
You probably know that brown bears and polar bears live in Russia. And, in the Far East, there is another species of these ...
Without retelling the myths and legends about ‘Grandpa Lenin’, let's turn to some confirmed facts in his biography.
We'll tell you where the exotic fruit came from in Russia and why, in Soviet times, bananas were given to the 'front-runners' ...
The Crimean Khanate posed the biggest problem of all the fragments of the Golden Horde; its troops once even burned Moscow.
It turns out that in the country of wooden churches and Russian-style ‘terems’ (fairytale houses), there are more than 2,000 ...
Anna Kornilova, a young master iconographer, reinterprets ancient art in her icons. We talked to her about why she chose this ...
Now, about 10-15 leopards live in the Caucasus: in the Sochi National Park, in North Ossetia and in Kabardino-Balkaria.
These heroines are not only remembered and loved by audiences in the USSR, they are still known and quoted today!