Two hunters have died after consuming venison from a population of deer known to be infected with chronic wasting disease – ...
Animal studies in rodents and monkeys have been overwhelmingly positive. Studies suggest GLP-1 agonists can reduce drug ...
Of all plastic waste pollution that can be traced back to its producer, almost a quarter can be traced back to just five ...
Natural diamonds take billions of years to form in the extreme pressures and temperatures deep underground. Synthetic forms ...
Our bodies are alive with activity and packed with proteins jammed into fatty membranes or floating in and out of watery ...
Well, the verdict is in. The Moon is not made of green cheese after all.
To test their theory of a skin-gut axis, the team cut 1.5 centimeter (about half an inch) incisions in the skin of one group ...
The absolutely incredible discovery of several fully articulated shark fossils from the Late Cretaceous, 105 to 72 million ...
If you're scientifically minded, you might not think much of horoscopes and their predictions of your fated future, even if ...
As the climate warms and Antarctica's glaciers and ice sheets melt, the resulting rise in sea level has the potential to ...
Scientists have just reported what's believed to be the longest-known COVID-19 infection, and it carries a warning for us all ...
An analysis of a vast database of compounds has revealed a curious repeating pattern in the way matter composes itself.