Police are searching for the person who threw a huge rock off a bridge and onto a car windscreen near Geelong in Victoria.
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Thousands of Australians have gathered before first light to commemorate the solemn occasion of Anzac Day.
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The man who was arrested after Emma Bates' death in Cobram has been charged with assault.
A somber ceremony was held in Gallipoli in honour of the Anzacs who lost their lives there 109 years ago.
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Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. Canadian e-book maker Kobo has revealed an unexpected new ...
Bracket creep and the end of the low- and middle-income offset delivered the biggest tax hike in the developed world as ...
Add articles to your saved list and come back to them any time. “People I love, have worked with, and admire … are unfairly ...