Imagine you are an expert object-oriented Java developer who meticulously crafts code the way an artist cares for their masterpiece. You believe clean code is an absolute necessity. Classes with clear ...
Java's default constructor allows developers to create instances of classes when no other constructors are explicitly defined. The default constructor in Java takes no arguments -- it simply ...
There is a perception among many that blockchain and distributed ledger technology are the same thing. This is not quite the case. This article explains the difference between blockchain and ...
The JDK is a software package that contains a variety of tools and utilities that make it possible to develop, package, monitor and deploy applications that build for any standard Java platform, ...
Constructors play a key role in all object-oriented programming languages, and Java is no exception. Every class a Java developer creates needs a constructor. Constructors perform numerous important ...
With layoffs prevalent in the tech space, some workers might opt to hold on to their current jobs even if they feel unfulfilled. But is it worth it to settle, rather than explore new horizons? Like so ...
Once a developer finishes writing code and it works, it can feel like the job is done. It is not. The job is over when the code is refactored and cleaned up. Developers inevitably work to a deadline ...
When presented with a tricky Java interview question like this, most job candidates will try to display their software development prowess by confidently asserting a plausible, yet likely incorrect, ...
There is no sanctioning body or open source linter that can verify if a RESTful API conforms and complies with all applicable REST API naming conventions and best practices. However, REST API ...
Product owners and software developers play two vitally different roles on an Agile team. The product owners provide the vision, while the programmers develop the software. In Jira, these separate ...
There is a phenomenon in the Python programming language that affects the efficiency of data representation and memory. I call it the "invisible line." This invisible line might seem innocuous at ...
Need to limit the number of possible subclasses in your codebase? Here comes Java's sealed classes to your rescue. Continue Reading ...