The restructuring plans were due to reduced demand, not external factors like the labour market situation, the company said.
The man suspected of shooting the young woman was later shot dead by police after fleeing the scene of the crime by car.
All Points North assesses the government's latest round of austerity measures and asks what the spending cuts and tax rises ...
Dog owners can be fined hundreds of euros if they have not registered their pets with the Finnish Food Authority.
The right-wing government's programme included commitments to tighten immigration rules, with more measures on the way in the ...
Väntönen also emphasised that schools' attitudes are different on both sides of the pond. In Finland, teachers cannot ...
In Pori, there are no such plans to restrict use of tablets. The municipality says there has been no misuse and children's ...
Yle Urheilun jääkiekkoasiantuntija Topi Nättinen nostaa Tapparan ja Pelicansin finaalisarjasta kolme asiaa, mitkä ratkaisevat ...
Leverkusenin nappikausi jatkui torstai-iltana Eurooppa-liigassa West Hamin vieraana. Välieriin se eteni yhteismaalein 3–1.
Uuden uimahallin kustannusarvio on ollut noin 10 miljoonaa euroa. Kuhmolle on jo myönnetty 800 000 euroa uutta uimahallia ...
Itärajan sulku lopetti passintarkastukset, mutta nyt rajavalvonta on enemmän partiointia maastossa ja valmistautumista sulan ...
EU-komission puheenjohtaja Ursula von Der Leyenin ja pääministeri Petteri Orpon vierailee aamupäivällä Lappeenrannassa. Von ...