Defend your garden sanctuary! Learn how to combat resilient broadleaf weeds and nurture vibrant green lawns with expert ...
"You may well need to replace the soil." Stressed gardener seeks damage control advice after using weed killer: 'I wouldn't ...
Bleach does kill weeds but has drawbacks, like killing beneficial soil bacteria and being non-selective. Learn how to use it ...
Another way to shrink your weed seed bank is to create more suitable habitats for the birds, insects and earthworms that eat ...
WSSA President Greg Dahl urges farmers and land managers to prioritize weed control early to optimize outcomes.
New York officials had said that those who jumped the line to cash in on cannabis would not be rewarded over those who played ...
The demonstrators cynically named the garden after state Senate President Nick Scutari, D-Union, who authored the cannabis ...
It's the first 4/20 with legal marijuana in Ohio. So weed enthusiasts should be able to fire up with no consequences, right?
It’s 420, or “weed day,” created to celebrate marijuana. But when it comes to weed’s impact on health, should we be ...
With sugar beet herbicide options dwindling, researchers are testing options using artificial intelligence and robotics. Mike ...
While it's unclear what legalization legislation might look like, cannabis industry groups and lobbyists are already pushing ...
has continued to become more popular in recent years as more and more states have moved to legalize cannabis on a ...