The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau ordered Cash App (SQ) operator Block to pay a total of up to $175 million for failing to address fraud on the mobile payment network. “Cash App created ...
The CFPB ordered Block to update its business practices to comply with the law, pay between $75 and $120 million to users whose unauthorized transfers weren't investigated and send a $55 million ...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has ordered Block, Cash App's parent company, to pay $120 million to Cash App users and $55 million to its victim relief fund. The Consumer Financial ...
Under the enforcement action, the CFPB has also ordered Block to set up a 24-hour, live-person customer service to investigate unauthorized transactions and provide timely refunds, where appropriate.
Block, the company that owns Cash App, agreed Wednesday to pay $80 million to 48 states that fined the company for violating laws intended to keep illicit activity off the platform. “State ...
BALTIMORE -- Block, Inc., the parent company of Cash App, has agreed to pay $80 million in a settlement with Maryland and 47 other states over violations of bank secrecy and anti-money laundering ...
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau earlier this month ordered Cash App's parent company Block Inc., which owns Square, Spiral and TIDAL in addition to Cash App, to refund users $120 million.
The parent company of mobile banking platform Cash App has been ordered to pay $175 million to users due to weak security procedures, a federal agency says. The Consumer Financial Protection ...