Speaking on his Telegram channel, Zelensky said Putin was using Ukraine as a "testing ground", and Russia was "so terrified" ...
Russia has stepped up its threats to the West in response. On Tuesday, the 1,000th day of his invasion of Ukraine, Putin ...
MOSCOW, Nov 21 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin said on Thursday that the Ukraine war was escalating towards a global ...
Russia’s hybrid warfare could push Nato to trigger its mutual defence clause, according to the head of Germany’s foreign ...
The intermediate-range missile did not carry nuclear weapons, but it is part of a strategic arsenal that is capable of ...
Dmitry Medvedev, a close ally of Vladimir Putin, has stoked tensions with the West by accusing the US of “preparing for ...
The West is facing its “most serious and dangerous challenge” since the Second World War, a former US military chief has said ...
World leaders and analysts expressed doubts that the change to Russia's nuclear doctrine amounted to much more than a new and ...
Moscow: Russia launched a ballistic missile towards Ukrainian city of Dnipro as the Russia-Ukraine War rages ... Vladimir ...
The Russian president says the strike was in response to Ukraine's "use of American and British long-range weaponry".
Russia first used its experimental ballistic missile on Ukraine on Thursday, which Zelensky calls "a clear and severe ...
Russian attacks reported across Ukraine with power cuts affecting more than one million people in freezing temperatures.