Artist Joel Coplin paints scenes of Phoenix's homeless population outside his studio while navigating a complex relationship ...
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His studio is in the Zone, site of Phoenix's clashes over homeless policy. He helps people, listens to their stories — and ...
A group of five artists and educators called the Coves Collective is using land-based art made with natural materials found ...
VENICE The only thing the Pope will not have to do is to deposit his cellphone under the watchful eyes of prison guards, nor ...
When Spain first surrounded Ceuta and Melilla, its North African exclaves, in barbed wire in 1993 and 1996, few suspected the practice would catch on. The 1990s were, after all, an optimistic time in ...
A 71-year-old's dog proved to truly be man's best friend this week when his faithful companion remained by his side after he got tangled in barbed wire and stayed trapped for more than two days.
During the Soviet era, "Sillamäe was surrounded by barbed wire and visitors needed a special permit to get ... A condition that is not simply based on language or demographics." This month, a new art ...
Deputies said they found Kearse tangled in a barbed wire fence with his dog still by his side. The 71-year-old was severely dehydrated and airlifted to Spartanburg Regional Hospital.
Greg Abbott (R-TX) ordered the state military to fence the area to prevent federal police from cutting through state-installed barbed wire. Federal law enforcement has been locked out of a strip ...