There has been a burgeoning cottage industry in Supreme Court retirement advocacy with many left-leaning journalists ...
What started with a trickle of think pieces has now become a cascade of D.C. press releases and talking heads on whether ...
Speaking in Allentown, Pennsylvania on Sunday, Donald Trump left everyone confused when he attempted to explain the Battle of ...
The recount process started Monday in the Silicon Valley congressional race that ended in a tie for second place between Evan Low and Joe Simitian. It's expected to take a week or two but at a costly ...
The same storm system responsible for several dozen incidents of severe weather, including a few tornadoes, over the Great ...
House Speaker Mike Johnson just lost one more party member to the simmering Republican effort to strip him of his job.
Physicians for Social Responsibility helps Tucson neighborhoods work together to deal with climate-related emergencies.
In 2023, corporate broadcast news mentioned climate solutions in only 22% of climate segments, or 95 out of 435 — a decline ...
WIRED spoke with US transportation secretary Pete Buttigieg about recent grants to fix ancient roads, bridges, and other ...
An adjudicated rapist, who was recently held liable by a jury for physically invading a woman’s bodily autonomy, has now ...
An adjudicated rapist, who was recently held liable by a jury for physically invading a woman’s bodily autonomy, has now taken it upon himself to opine about how government can control women’s ...
Recent research links short-term heat exposure to increased inflammation and weakened immunity, particularly affecting ...