Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold drove to Columbine High School in Colorado and murdered 12 students and one teacher, injuring ...
Some crimes linger in public memory and some crimes fade away. But few leave an imprint as deep as the killings at Columbine ...
A quarter century on, the school shooters’ mythology has propagated a sprawling subculture that idolizes murder and mayhem.
The report didn’t find that 75% of guns used in school shootings came from unsecured locations. The study examined 25 school shootings and found that in 19 cases, the incidents were carried out ...
Authorities said the writing was about committing mass shootings at Wootton High School, which Ye had attended online, and Lakewood Elementary School. Ye allegedly told his former school counselor ...
Statement: “As many as 75% of school shootings resulted from a gun that was not secured.” At an event touting the Biden administration's efforts to curb gun violence, Vice President Kamala ...
It ushered in the modern era of school shootings, and polls ever since have captured the fears of many parents that their children are in danger when they go to school. In those 25 years ...
Our nation is increasingly frustrated by an endless series of school shootings. We’re looking desperately for someone to blame for a problem that we can’t solve. Could the Crumbleys be merely ...
Young women head to a library near Columbine High School where students and faculty members were evacuated during the 1999 shooting (AP) The haunting images have been seared into the minds of ...
Since the 1999 massacre, 415 people have been killed in U.S. school shootings. The epicenter of the Columbine High School mass shooting was the library, where Craig Scott was studying for a ...