A full drum set will most likely be too loud for an acoustic guitar or acoustic bass to compete with, so this cajon ... box ...
This magnificent box drum combines several styles. The two sides of the drum are shown, first the black form line side, and secondly, the red form line side. These two box designs are less successful, ...
Across the Americas there are many different Native cultures, each with unique musical traditions ... of the American Indian Rattle National Museum of the American Indian Drum and drumstick National ...
That collector, Tom Cox, told WSMV4 Investigates that he saw on Facebook Marketplace that rare box drum, called a marimbata, was for sale. “And I thought, ‘How can someone else have one of these?
[tender song slowly fades into birdsong] [energetic rhythm pulses on a box drum ... musical effects, right? Uh, uh, uh, hey! [energetic Ghanaian song, "Kanbile" on mallets] Hey! [more percussion ...
Slipping Through the String Plane, pt. 1; Slipping Through the String Plane, pt. 2; Desert Resurrection; Pulsebow; Crisis Walk; In Limine Fortunae. Collin Sherman ...
Each solo singer improvises lyrics, while a frame drum, box rattle and triangle keep time and produce the rhythmic beat. Dancers move their hips and hands, using short steps to manoeuvre around each ...
Try a box guitar using a cardboard box, tube and some elastic bands; make a simple box drum or fill an empty festive snack tube with rice or lentils for a DIY rainstick. “Simply fold over a ...