There’s more to consider than fresh eggs when raising chickens at home. For gardeners, that includes keeping both chickens ...
One Reddit user with backyard chickens wonders if they made a mistake placing the chicken coop enclosure in their garden beds ...
WINDHOEK, April 22 (Xinhua) -- Namibia's agricultural sector faces significant challenges, as outlined in the Crop Prospects, Food Security and Drought Situation Report, released on Monday by the ...
If you have digging predators, such as foxes or dogs, install hardware cloth that can be attached to your coop and buried in the ground for extra protection. Remember, chicken wire is relatively e ...
DHAKA, April 18 (Xinhua) -- Bangladesh is preparing to introduce remote sensing and drones to detect crop damage caused by extreme weather events or diseases. Around 20 officers of the Department ...
Two chickens were stolen from a chicken coop within the space of two days, leaving authorities and neighbours alike pretty perplexed. The coop also had its door removed. In a public statement a ...
Animal manure is effectively recycled for crop use, and these waste and pollution sources become the resources in crop production. However, the safe and sustainable use of organic fertilizers for crop ...