How could a hominin bone have ended up in someone’s tiled floor in the first place? Travertine, the type of rock from which this tile was cut, is a popular building material used perhaps most ...
A dentist was visiting his parents’ newly renovated home in Europe when he noticed something odd: One of the floor ... The tile, made of a type of limestone called travertine, was imported ...
Kidipadeli75 via Reddit While visiting his parents’ recently renovated house in Europe, a man spotted something unusual in one of the floor ... jawbone in a tile made of travertine, a type ...
My folks have a floor made of a similar stone, but all I've found in it are some snails, and what I'm pretty sure are coprolites. No human remains in the floor, but when the house was being built ...
Ah, Reddit! It's a constant source of amazing stories that sound too good to be true... and yet! The latest example comes to us from a user named Kidipadeli75, a dentist who visited his parents ...