Wooded waterfront community of 12,000 on Maryland's Eastern Shore eight miles inland from the Atlantic Ocean. Median home price $246,000. Cost of living 5% above national average. PROS ...
The magnitude of this hidden sea prompts a re-evaluation of Earth’s water cycle, suggesting a potential departure from theories positing comet impacts as the primary source. Instead, the notion ...
On Dec. 20, the U.S. government auctioned off oil and gas drilling rights in the Gulf of Mexico despite concerns the move could endanger a newly described and very rare… ...
Widespread ocean pollution threatens the health of more than 3 billion people, international study led by Boston College researchers shows Ocean pollution is widespread and getting worse, and when ...
As carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere, the Earth will get hotter. But exactly how much warming will result from a certain increase in CO2 is under study. The relationship between CO2 and ...