A good video game prop can really spruce up the decor — doubly so if it’s a glowing, futuristic potted plant transplanted(sorry!) straight from Deus Ex: Human ...
Most gardeners know that squirrels can pose a threat to nearly any potted plant. They like to dig in the soil to stash food they don’t consume immediately, so in addition to digging up your ...
Self-watering planters can help. These planters help take the guesswork out of taking care of indoor (and even outdoor) potted plants. They make plant care more beginner-friendly and remove a big ...
Mary Dunlap, owner of Wilder Plant Shop, which opened on South Main Street in Travelers Rest in January, can attest to that as a plant lover whose business grew from her pandemic hobby.
To understand why, look to the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s recent update of its plant hardiness zone map, which has long helped gardeners and growers figure out which plants are most likely ...
particularly in potted plants. Adult fungus gnats lay their eggs in moist soil. During the larval stage, the fungus gnat larvae feed on fungi, algae, and plant roots. This makes them particularly ...
Officials at the Russian-controlled Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant said that the site was attacked Sunday by Ukrainian military drones, including a strike on the dome of the plant’s sixth ...
We know that diets rich in plant-based foods are good for your heart and metabolic health, so many people have been replacing hot dogs, hamburgers, and chicken nuggets with plant-based meat ...
The students of Class III of the school showcased their artistic ability by creating imaginative potted plant family trees. Each family is unique in itself. The students gained an understanding of ...