The students of Class III of the school showcased their artistic ability by creating imaginative potted plant family trees. Each family is unique in itself. The students gained an understanding of ...
It’s a big deal to find a plant that shows beauty even when it’s not flowering. At the 2024 California Spring Trials, Jim Putnam of Plant Development Services talks about a new variegated azalea, the ...
While it doesn’t cast enough light for seed starting or for large growing operations, it’s adequate for overwintering a favorite potted plant or for supplementing year-round light for an ...
Now, the Royal Horticultural Society is asking landlords across the country to plant up their patios, saying they are full of untapped potential for urban green space and wildlife. The charity ...
This beautiful flowering shrub blooms in summer and comes in a wide range of colours, including white and pink. They're deciduous so they lose their leaves in autumn. Plant some spring-flowering bulbs ...
We all have that disused spot in our house where little sunlight reaches. You want to put a showy potted plant there, but nothing thrives in the low light. Boy, have we got a palm for you! Lady palms ...
Though Joe Pye weed is not technically a shrub, its large size and sturdy root system make it seem like one. Once planted in your garden, it likes to stay put as its root system grows stronger, so ...
particularly in potted plants. Adult fungus gnats lay their eggs in moist soil. During the larval stage, the fungus gnat larvae feed on fungi, algae, and plant roots. This makes them particularly ...
Most gardeners know that squirrels can pose a threat to nearly any potted plant. They like to dig in the soil to stash food they don’t consume immediately, so in addition to digging up your ...