This book explores evangelical Christianity and white supremacy’s role in fueling the climate crisis and seeks to establish a healthier relationship between religion and ecological politics.
Scholars of religion like Nancy Ammerman suggest that spirituality as distinct from religion is somewhat of a branding exercise — we can label spiritual the parts of religion we like ...
True Religion Apparel, Inc. (True Religion) designs, markets, distributes and sells apparel under the brand name True Religion Brand Jeans to consumers on six continents, including North America ...
What do psychedelics, entheogens and plant medicines have to do with religion and spirituality, in the past, present, and future? This series is now in its third year at the HDS. Topics have ...
In a stark white-and-concrete studio space in SoMa on Monday evening, psilocybin enthusiasts had the opportunity to sit down with Dave Hodges, the founder of Zide Door in Oakland and the Church of ...
In 1965, a Gallup poll found that 70% of respondents said religion is “very important” in their lives. Today, fewer than half of Americans (45%) say religion is “very important.” ...
The impact of religion and spirituality on mental health has been studied more extensively than the impact on physical health. Much of the research in spirituality and aging has studied at the ...