These machines use compressed air to split water into tiny frozen droplets: the "snow seeds" that help mist freeze ... snow piles to persist through the summer and early autumn.
The house looks over the lake and, for most of the winter, my parents have few neighbors, except for the birds at their feeder and the deer making their way through the deep snow and ... be around ...
Springtime in Wyoming is one of the most exciting times of the year, as warmer weather and melting snow trigger native plants to put up green shoots and colorful wildflowers.
Stubby was a good friend to my mother. He made a big impression with his short life and his short tail and his surprisingly ...
TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Fluffy, white kapok seeds floating over a highway in Changhua County like snowflakes can be seen on a video posted Wednesday (May 1). Many kapok trees are planted along a ...
Heavy, wet snow is causing problems in Calgary, knocking out power for thousands of people. According to Enmax, several thousand people on the eastern edge of the city lost power early Tuesday due to ...
Siouxland Libraries is gearing up for summer, including a tutoring program that’s been helping kids improve their reading ...
When locals here list reasons they like living in western Pennsylvania, the “changing seasons” are often touted. Four ...
Carolina wrens stay put in winters, having adapted with a radical shift in diet when weather makes it necessary. But the ...
Here’s a list of where to pick up free compost, plants and seeds in your neighbourhood: Lachine is handing out compost from ...