An additional 29 whales died, officials reported last week, while the reason behind the stranding remains unknown ...
Of the 160 whales stranded near the town of Dunsborough on Thursday morning, more than 100 were returned to the ocean. Twenty ...
Photos shared by the wildlife service on Facebook showed rows of whales lying on the shore as crowds gathered to see the mass stranding ... on a coastline in Tasmania. Most of them died.
The reason for the stranding is unknown, but whale strandings are not uncommon in Tasmania Some fourteen sperm whales have died in a mass stranding on a beach in west Tasmania, Australia. The ...
Almost 100 pilot whales have died in a mass stranding on New Zealand's remote ... which left at least 380 whales dead on a beach in Tasmania, Australia It is not fully understood why the whales ...
A solo pilot whale calf off a West Australia beach where 160 whales beached themselves will be euthanised to prevent another ...
Vets are concerned the whale could send out distress calls, resulting in another mass stranding. On Thursday 160 long-finned pilot whales were beached at Toby Inlet near Busselton in WA's south-west.
Follow the day’s news live A mass stranding of between 50 and 100 pilot whales is occurring on a Western Australian beach, with a coordinated rescue effort underway. According to the WA Parks ...
authorities took samples from the deceased whales to try to understand if there was anything happening in the population that might have caused the mass stranding. Geographe Marine Research ...