SNI, the predecessor of the current Brazilian Intelligence Agency (Abin) sought to continue illegal activities after the end ...
The rights of the people whose voices and images are being appropriated will need to be more seriously protected.
Gender-based violence has crept up in the digital era in the form of online violence against women and girls, especially ...
Several pro-establishment commentators and outlets claimed that the page had been hijacked by the “yellow clan” ...
This analysis explores how systemic dehumanization of Palestinian children by Israeli forces mirrors racial injustices ...
Research by Vlada Baranova claims that the war in Ukraine has led to the ethnicization of conflicts and confrontation between the federal authorities, perceived as “Russian,” and the Indigenous ...
By returning the galliwasp to its rightful place, we take a small but significant step towards laying the foundation for a ...
As Venezuela's presidential election approaches on July 28, will the opposition be able to endorse a viable candidate? Will ...
ZimStat reports revealed that more than 8,907 cases of domestic abuse were recorded across the country between January and ...
A military government has led Mali since the coup d’état on March 24, 2021 and refuses to hold fresh elections. It has also ...
Amid a deepening cost of living crisis in Turkey, the ruling party MP, Şebnem Bursalı found herself at the heart of public criticism when she posted a photo of a lobster.
After mainland Chinese official media outlets started calling the 2024 Zodiac the Year of “Loong” instead of the Year of the ...