The regulation specifically targets ethylene oxide, which a ProPublica analysis found was the single biggest contributor to ...
Despite years of air monitoring, inspections and millions in penalties for petrochemical plants, the air in Calvert City, ...
The Idaho Freedom Foundation has gone beyond the education culture wars by targeting local bond and levy elections, which ...
The settlement comes nearly three years after the company acknowledged that an industrial foam fitted inside its machines ...
Chinese crime rings already dominate the illegal marijuana trade in the U.S. and launder cocaine and heroin profits. Now a ...
Health experts say formula marketing often makes misleading claims and prompts some mothers to prematurely give up ...
A man serving 55 years has filed a motion to overturn his conviction, arguing that the state prosecuted him for giving a gun ...
The Idaho Legislature has approved funding for a 26-bed facility after ProPublica found that state lawmakers and officials ...
The legislation, which limits the use of reunification therapies and increases scrutiny of expert witnesses, follows ...
With control of the House of Representatives hanging in the balance, the time-consuming appeals process means elections in ...
The U.S. government lost its bid to dismiss part of the lawsuit, which would force the military to comply with a law meant to ...