Now, the AfD parliamentary group is using its blocking minority to obstruct the judicial selection committee. If the ...
On the west coast Straussian account propagated by the Claremont Institute, the US constitutional system’s founding had ...
The film Ainda Estou Aqui ( I Am Still Here ), based on the book of the same name written by her son, Marcelo Rubens Paiva, ...
The heydays of international law are over – that much is suggested by politicians and political observers in Germany. Those ...
Can commemorative practices such as memorials, museums, and national remembrance days effectively transform attitudes and behaviours to deter violence? Empirical evidence, regrettably, remains scarce.
The Bundestag election has entered an entirely new phase due to the political shift within the Union parties in the final ...
Both the direct and the indirect impacts of this decision for privacy, we argue here, arise from interactions with other ...
Worryingly, these orders build on political terrain that is now exceedingly hostile to transgender rights. State legislatures ...
In the aftermath of Poland’s broken democratic polity, the Polish government has faced a dilemma: either maintain the stance of strict formal legality and in the process perpetuate the illiberal rule ...
Competition law, which focuses on market power in narrowly defined relevant markets – say, a market for booster rockets – has ...
Hence, the EU recently announced plans to target US industries, including digital platforms, through the ACI. The ACI ...
Nonetheless, this European regulatory approach has also led to legislative proliferation, raising primary constitutional ...