Philippine president says there will be “no special treatment” for Quiboloy, the spiritual adviser to ex-leader Rodrigo ...
Nusantara is widely seen as Joko “Jokowi” Widodo’s legacy project but the ambitious project has run into problems and its success is not guaranteed, observers say.
Indonesia’s government said Monday it was working to rescue citizens who alleged they were being held captive and had been beaten, prodded with electric shocks and forced to work without pay in ...
Kelonggaran peraturan visa dan tawaran pakej mesra halal dorong lebih ramai pengembara Islam Malaysia kunjungi China, kata ...
Presiden Joko “Jokowi” Widodo berencana berkantor di Nusantara mulai pekan ini hingga pengujung masa jabatannya pada Oktober untuk menunjukkan pembangunan di ibu kota baru itu telah berjalan, kata pej ...
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