Cannabis users may be inhaling unsafe levels of heavy metals as rolling papers burn, according to a new study (ACS Omega 2024 ...
PFOA and PFOS are associated with developmental effects in fetuses and infants, liver damage, altered antibody production and ...
“Developing a web application is a great way to bring these ideas to a larger part of the community,” says Connor Coley, a ...
A new power generator could let people charge fitness trackers and smartwatches with their own perspiration (Device 2024, DOI ...
The Roth team found that the receptor, TAS2R14, does not bind tastants at the orthosteric site, which is where they would be ...
After selling his previous firm, The Medicines Company, to Novartis for $9.7 billion, Clive Meanwell is on to his next ...
Nvelop Therapeutics has launched to improve gene therapy delivery. The company was first founded in 2022 with $100 million in ...
Negotiators have had a particularly hard time with the plastics treaty. But how do UN treaties work, and how can this one ...
And for the companies expanding oil and gas exploration, “CCS is a centerpiece of greenwashing campaigns,” Mulvey says.
When the team took images of cultured B. bigelowii with an optical microscope, they saw that UCYN-A was living inside its ...
Thermoset polymers have cross-linked networks that make them exceptionally tough and useful materials. But they are also ...
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