After submitting this form you'll receive an email with the reset password link. If you still can't access your account please contact our customer service. Using chess24 requires the storage of some ...
The Paracin Open is a 9-round Swiss tournament taking place from 7–15 July 2023 in Paracin, Serbia. Players receive 90 minutes for the entire game, plus a 30-second increment starting from move one.
Gizliliğinize ve veri koruma yönergelerine saygı duyuyoruz. Sitemizin bazı bileşenleri kişisel bilgileri yöneten çerezlere veya yerel depolamaya ihtiyaç duyuyor. chess24 kullanmak,aşağıda belirtilen ...
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Für registrierte Nutzer speichern wir mehr Informationen wie z.B. Dein Profil, das Du jederzeit einsehen und verändern kannst, Deine Schachspiele, Deine Analysen, Foren-Inhalte, Chats und Nachrichten, ...